The Calculation plugin is automatically enabled when you add a new device to SevOne NMS to enable you to monitor the calculation objects you define on the Calculation Editor. Calculation objects use the Calculation object types that you define on the Object Types page. Calculation objects enable you to perform the mathematical expressions you define for indicator level data polled from multiple indicators on multiple objects. Perform the following steps to enable the Calculation plugin for each device from which you want to poll calculation data.
From the navigation bar, click the Devices menu and select Device Manager.
Either add a device with the Calculation plugin or edit a device to configure the Calculation plugin.
Click Add Device to display the New Device page.
to display the Edit Device page.
- Click the plugin drop-down (displays SNMP by default) and select Calculation.
Select the Allow Calculation Objects check box.
On the New Device page, click Save as New to display the Edit Device page to perform the next steps.
On the Edit Device page, click Manage Calculation Objects to display the Calculation Editor where you manage calculation objects.