The Trap v3 Receiver enables you to configure the user credentials for receipt of SNMP v3 traps and informs.
To access the Trap v3 Receiver from the navigation bar, click the Events menu, select Configuration, and then select Trap v3 Receiver.
The Trap v3 Receiver has the following tabs.
The Add Config tab enables you to add new user credentials for SNMP v3 traps and informs.
Select the check box for each user credential to mark for deletion and click Delete Selected tab to delete the user credential from the list.
The following controls appear in the Actions column.
- Click to edit an existing user credential.
- Click to select the user credential that you want to delete and confirm deletion.
Perform the following steps to add a new user credentials.
Click Add Config to display a new user credential row to be created.
In the Security Name field, enter the user security name.
Click the Authorization Protocol drop-down.
Select NONE (usmNoAuthProtocol) to not use an authentication method to send or receive messages.
Select MD5 (usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol) to use MD5 authentication protocol for messages.
Select SHA (usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol) to use SHA authentication protocol for messages.
If you select MD5 or SHA in the previous step, in the Authorization Key field, enter the password for the authorization protocol that SevOne NMS requires to authenticate traps from the device.
Click the Privacy Protocol drop-down.
Select None to not use encryption to send or receive messages.
Select DES to use the Data Encryption Standard encryption method.
Select AES128 to use the Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method using keys sized at 128 bits.
Select AES192 to use the Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method using keys sized at 192 bits.
Select AES256 to use the Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method using keys sized at 256 bits.
If you select DES or AES128 or AES192 or AES256 in the previous step, in the Privacy Key field, enter the key for the privacy protocol that SevOne NMS requires to decrypt traps from the device.
Click Update to save.
To edit an existing user credential, click
to edit a Trap v3 Receiver. Click Update to save.
Any additions or changes to user credentials are loaded into the Trap v3 Receiver every 5 minutes.